Why is my cat shedding so much?
Excessive shedding in a cat can be a sign of potential medical issues. Our veterinarians in Little Elm will explain when excessive shedding could be problematic.
Excessive shedding in a cat can be a sign of potential medical issues. Our veterinarians in Little Elm will explain when excessive shedding could be problematic.
Every cat parent desires a soft, glossy, and beautiful coat for their cat. Nonetheless, your cat's fur can become dull for various reasons. Today, our Little Elm vets discuss tips on keeping your cat's coat healthy, shiny, and clean.
Hives may appear as red, swollen, itchy bumps on your dog's skin. Today, our veterinarians in Little Elm share symptoms and explain what causes hives on dogs. We'll also discuss how this skin condition is diagnosed, treated, and managed.
Cats are naturally curious and active, and it's not uncommon for them to get hurt. In this blog, our vets in Little Elm will explore the causes of limping in cats and guide what to do if your cat is experiencing this problem.
Our Little Elm vets often see dogs in their office due to symptoms of joint pain. Although a common reason for joint pain is aging, there are effective treatments available to relieve discomfort in dogs of any age or activity level.
Dogs, like humans, can suffer from laryngitis. In this blog, our Little Elm vets will cover the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of laryngitis in dogs.
Cats can be stoic creatures and often manage to hide their discomfort when they are sick. Our Bartlett vets share some of the signs and symptoms that indicate your feline friend may be feeling under the weather.
Limping is one of the most common reasons that our Little Elm emergency vets see dogs at our animal hospital. In today's post our vets share some of the causes of limping in dogs and when it's time to see a vet.
In cats, laryngitis is caused by an inflammation of their throat and vocal cords and, most often, is a symptom of an underlying condition. Here, our Little Elm vets explain what you need to know about cat laryngitis, including: how to identify it, what may be causing it and its treatments.
When you bathe your dog, you are removing dirt and debris from their fur, helping them look and smell their best. Today, our Little Elm vets share how often you should bathe your dog.
Healthy Paws Veterinary Center is accepting new patients! Our experienced vets are passionate about the health of Little Elm companion animals. Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.
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